Ingredients: 3 cups unbleached flour 1 Tbsp. baking powder 1 Tsp. salt 1 1/2 cups "warm" water Preparation: Mix the flour, salt, and baking powder together in a bowl. Sift or stir this together. Add the "warm" water to this mixture and stir until all the dry ingredients are mixed well. Put oil on your hands; remove dough from bowl and knead until the dough is smooth. When the dough is smooth & soft, rub oil over the top of your dough. Place back into the bowl, cover with a dry cloth & let rest for "30" minutes. Begin heating your lard, oil, or grease so it is very hot. Pull the dough at its edges until you have small circles. Drop circles into the hot grease until golden brown, then turn over until golden brown on the other side as well. Add enough grease/oil so the dough can deep fry. Dip cooked fry bread into sugar, or spread butter, jam or jelly on top and eat. This is a staple for feasts after sweats, at Pow Wow, an Honor dinner or any cultural gathering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servings: Five-Ten -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients: 6 cups flour 2 cups powdered milk 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder 2 tbs. sugar 1 tsp. salt Water (you can never tell the exact amount, just add until dough is elastic like) probably about 2 cups Oil for frying -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparation: Mix ingredients, knead dough (not for long). Let rise for about 10 minutes. Make pieces about 1/2 in. Thick (if you like thick fry bread). Poke a hole in the middle of the dough before you fry it. Fry in oil until golden brown. Note: When bread in done... put butter on it and sprinkle with sugar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servings: Five-Ten