As a young boy, often times, Indians are sent
           away, in search of a vision. This was the case of
             this one particular young Indian boy. He start to
     go up to the top of the mountain in search of
           his vision ... And as he climbed up the mountain
     the air got cooler and cooler ... And he came
         upon a snake laying in the path. The snake was
    shivering, and said to the young Indian boy.
     Please help me ... I can't move, I am so cold
             that I can no longer make it any further down the
               mountain.The young Indian boy said to the snake.
No way! You're a snake, if I pick you up,
        you'll bite me!" The snake replied ... "No, no
                  I won't, I promise I won't bite you if you'll only pick
    me up and help get me down the mountain..
              So the young Indian boy picked up the snake, put
        him in his shirt, continued climbing to the top
           the mountain in search of his vision ... When he
        got back down to the bottom of the mountain,
               he reached in, took out the snake, and the snake
        bit this young Indian boy. The boy replied to
                    the snake "Hey! You bit me, you said that if I'd help
            you out, that you wouldn't bite me!" the snake
                 replied to the young Indian boy ... "But you knew
what I was when you picked me up!"

                             Now  although I trust most  everyone I look deep into their
                               eyes...for me.. through the eyes you can see ones true heart.
                            For the eyes can tell many things ..if one takes the Don`t be
                            afraid to be causious or a bit judgemental .. Make sure you
                            are not with the snake or a wolf in sheeps clothing..............

                                    Aiá:wen's Ahiaia'taté:riste Ne Shonkwa'iatison
                                   Aesata'karí:teke,Aiesatshennonní:hake, Tánon Aión:nise'
                                     Ó:ni Aiesatenro'seraká:teke
                                   May The Great Spirit Bless You With Health,
                                  Happiness, And Enduring Friendship