Today I walked alone in a meadow..
I sat by a river and gazed down at my reflection,
this was not all that I saw...
I was entranced,by the beauty the surronds me,
with patience I waited to be consumed...

The Wind Spirit,
sent a gentle breeze to caress me.
The scent of elderberry entered my soul
With each breath I inhale..
Selfishly taking all that my body can hold..............

I am consumed by Mother Earth and her Beauty
My heart beating strong now to the Rythum of her songs...
The Sun now penetrates my body,
with all the warmth it possess's..........

It is a radiant blanket of internal warmth.
The sky,and endless ocean of blue...
In the distance ,
I hear the call's of the  Loon ,the Hawks
,the Eagles,and the distant Wolves..
I am Silent ....I am mezmorized by all...

I close my eye's as I tremble with anticipation......
My body is now gently laying upon the grass bed..
I feel the presence of Greatness all around me,
I sense the wisdom from with in...
I fill  my bodies capacity with Love
As the  empty cavern's of my soul are now quickly filled....

My eye's now open....
In the clouds I see many visions...
I am aware that I am not alone....
Great Cheifs now gaze down upon me,
Eagle dancers have gathered all around.
The Sacred wolf sings his song of the Howl,
and I am touched by all who walked here before me......

My Spirit rises to dance in their presence,
We unite in the center of our Souls....
Spirit guides now show me My inner sanctum...
I ,am a part of this universe ,
A part of the Creators ultimate plan..
I am at peace forever....I  am finally one with all.......
For now I do not walk Alone......